Monday, December 23, 2013

Passing on the Blogging Torch

A few weeks ago, blogger @edtechsandyk brought me into a blogging challenge. And, I’ve been waiting for the opportunity to contribute. Waiting, I thought about this same idea applied to students - how can we get them involved and connected in larger communities? Though many may contribute to blogs, are they for the greater good? Do they achieve a sense of sense of community? Recently, I’ve seen instances of students contributing to forums; however, the consensus of the forum is to attack, not to foster growth.

So, in contributing to this, I am brainstorming ways to get students involved in positive online communities. And, I’m also finding ways to make bloggers seem more human and authentic online - showing all facets of life.

Here are the rules:

  1. Acknowledge the nominating blogger.
  2. Share 11 random facts about yourself.
  3. Answer the 11 questions the nominating blogger has created for you.
  4. List 11 bloggers. They should be bloggers you believe deserve a little recognition and a little blogging love!
  5. Post 11 questions for the bloggers you nominate to answer and let all the bloggers know they’ve been nominated.  (You cannot nominate the blogger who nominated you.)
Step one was completed in the opening paragraph. So here goes step two...

11 Random Facts About Me

  1. By the time I entered college, I had attended 9 different schools (excluding Pre-K and daycares)
  2. I was a skydiver and miss it.
  3. I’ve climbed Cotopaxi, a mountain comparable to Mt. Kilimanjaro and it was the greatest physical feat of my life
  4. I’ve been an avid runner all of my life, racing in over 500 races thus far.
  5. I want to run my own art business on the side from art I’ve made.
  6. I love to travel and explore and I always have a trip planned.
  7. .If I could live anywhere, I’d live right over Central Park in New York City,
  8. I thank my third grade teacher, Mrs. Estes, for providing me with a friend and showing me the gifts I have to offer. She changed my life.
  9. I thank my college professor, Mr. Meishen, for encouraging us to create ePortfolios before they were popular. That single assignment propelled me to becoming a tech leader at my first school district and led me down the path of edtech. I thank that one assignment for my career path.
  10. I have a desire to work overseas and reconstruct failing schools.
  11. I have never worked less than two jobs at a time, but my family will always be the most important.

Answers to the Questions from the Bloggers Who Nominated Me

Here you go, Sandy! Thanks for encouraging such a positive use of blogging.

  1. Why did you start blogging?: I started blogging in 2008 to record the great stories my students and I wrote in my creative writing class. A friend had told me to keep track of them and, what better way that on a blog! In 2009, I started this blog as a way to talk about literacy in the digital age. That was the focus of my Master’s degree and I felt I had a lot to say on it.
  2. What was/is your favorite lesson to teach in the classroom?: I loved teaching searching and web evaluation strategies. I also loved teaching writing in different media. For instance, how to write in a movie context versus an email format. Now, I love getting to teach students to make ePortfolios and how to program in day-to-day classroom affairs.
  3. If education wasn't an option in any form, what would you be instead?: I would be an artist or be in the Peace Corps. I wish I had more time in a day so I could be all of these things.
  4. What was the hardest lesson you learned?: To always be myself despite what is happening around me. I think this applies in everyday life - even when others aren’t responding to your teaching, it is important to keep trying and not take it personal or get angry with them.
  5. What is your proudest moment?: Becoming a Google Certified Teacher this summer was a life-changing experience and it has changed my network and my beliefs on education. I still beam when I think about it.
  6. How do you explain your job to people?: Great question - and a difficult one! I tell people I innovate. I hate throwing out the word technology because people think of it as being separate then. I like to tell people that I work to innovate education and to bring about positive change. In effect, that’s what we all do, right?
  7. If you could send a message back to yourself 20 years ago, what would it say?: Well, I would be 9 going on 10. I would tell myself not to worry about speaking up in class. I would tell myself to take more risks in school and with my learning. I think it’s something a lot of students need to do. Too often, we’re focused on grades and afraid to try something new when it comes to learning.
  8. If you could wave a magic wand and fix one thing about the public education system, what would it be and why?: I would change our grading system and change it to reflect PBL practices. I think this is true learning and it’s authentic.
  9. If you could visit any event in recorded history, what event would you pick and why?
  10. What is the title and author of the last book you read for fun? Mr. Penubra’s 24 Book Store.
  11. What is your favorite movie?: Planes, trains, and automobiles. “Those aren’t pillows!”

11 Questions For the Bloggers I Want to Know More About

I really liked Sandy’s so I’m going to stick with them.

  1. Why did you start blogging?
  2. What was/is your favorite lesson to teach in the classroom?
  3. If education wasn't an option in any form, what would you be instead?
  4. What was the hardest lesson you learned?
  5. What is your proudest moment?
  6. How do you explain your job to people?
  7. If you could send a message back to yourself 20 years ago, what would it say?
  8. If you could wave a magic wand and fix one thing about the public education system, what would it be and why?
  9. If you could visit any event in recorded history, what event would you pick and why?
  10. What is the title and author of the last book you read for fun?
  11. What is your favorite movie?

11 Bloggers I Want to Know More About

  1. Tracy Clark - @TracyClark08
  2. Kellie Arnold - @ceclillearnold
  3. Jennifer Flood - @Floodedu
  4. Margaret Roth - @teachingdaisy
  5. Lacy Bartlet - @whatifclass
  6. Greg Garner - @classroom_tech
  7. Joan Le - @beenschooled
  8. David Therilault - @davidtedu
  9. Aimee Bartis - @aimeegbartis
  10. Jo-Ann Fox - @AppEducationFox
  11. Ann DeBolt - @EdTxAnn
  12. YOU! (If you haven't been tagged yet, don't let that stop you! Write a similar post and tag some folks. Be sure to Tweet me and let me know you did it, or leave a comment below!)

Thank you, Sandy, for this great community blog!

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