Wednesday, February 17, 2016

#YourEduStory: 5 things you most love about education jobs

This week's topic: What 5 things do you love most about your job in education? (for the love of Valentine's Day)

For everything I love about education and my job in education, it can also be a deterrent to others. 

I think there can be a difference among how you view your role in education, your actual role, and what you want your role to be. I know I face this conflict often. 

I view my role as something important, which generates my passion. However, I have to convince others of its importance frequently. And, at other times, I find myself thinking of what my role should be, but isn't due to constraints on budgets, mindsets, and more. 

So, in thinking about what I love, I have to separate those three "jobs" because all are very different. It's the difference in those that can lead to brownout or burnout. It's also what can create immense growth. 

I've divided my five loves into my actual roles - the one I think I have, my actual one, and the one I think I should have.

My actual role:
  • I can create anything. The sky is the limit in terms of creation.
  • I can oversee change

How I view my role:
  • I can make change

What I think my role should be:
  • I can learn all day
  • I can be flexible

Some of the loves cross, but many don't. It's a helpful reflection piece to think about what we want out of our jobs. 

What are your loves?

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