Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Searching brought to life, App #8: Google Search Videos

Google Search Videos: Google Search Stories (make videos from your searches; examples were run in 2010 Super Bowl): (to create video) or (to watch video)

Synopsis: Google Search Videos generates videos based on a search. To begin, go to the video creator link listed above. You will find five searching blanks.

To begin, however, you should pick a specific topic that you want to research. In this case, it is the search that tells the story. Once a theme is picked, you can begin entering in correct searching terms and selecting the appropriate filter from the drop-down menu on the right (Web search, images, maps, news, etc.). Google gives you seven searching blanks. The movie ends on the seventh searching term. In the bottom, the video is previewed. Once all seven searching terms and their filters are selected, click on the add music tab. Here, you can select audio to play with the movie. Lastly, your story is created! When your story is created, you can add a title to your story, edit it, add a description, and upload it to youtube. Once the video is shared with youtube, you can download the video and edit it with a movie editing software.

Integration:  This is a great way to check students' understanding of Web searching and, specifically, Google searching. Their searching becomes a video that must lead to an outcome and must tell a story. In this way, students are forced to correctly search and show their work.There are countless searching videos on the Website listed above.

This is a good activity to complete at the beginning of a unit. Students will need to research background on a unit. As they research sites, they will put their searching keywords into the Google Search Videos creator. Their final set of searching terms should show the conclusion/answer they have researched. The video should show their research process and how they narrowed down their terms. As other students watch the videos, they too can see the searching process. Again, this video creator is a great way for refining the searching process and developing it into a movie that others can witness.

This video of a young man shows his search to "grow knowledge" and build a business.

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