During a recent needs assessment, a teacher mentioned wanting more training on
Class Dojo, a classroom behavior management tool. At the time, I was unfamiliar with it. However, it is an extremely simple tool that may be great for elementary classrooms.
You can sign up as a teacher, student, or parent. After signing up (just your name, email address, and a password), You can create a class. Within the class, you add students. And, adding students is as easy as just typing in their name. Lastly, you can choose what negative and positive behavior rewards to give (i.e., team work, disrespect, etc.). Now, you have created your class.
To run your class, you can show your "class" via your projector. When you want to give a student a positive reward, you can. And, you can also use the negative marks if you want. You also have the option to run reports that show a student's behavioral report card where you can comments. These can be printed off and given to parents. Parents and students may also login and retrieve this info.
And, that's it. Simple, but a 21st century way of managing a classroom--elementary style.