Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day two - My 30 Day Challenge

It's day two of my blogging challenge. If you missed what this challenge is all about, you may find more about it in Day 1.

So, today's challenge is to write about a technology you're hoping to see this year. I'd like to revise this to "write about learning you're hoping to see this year." The longer I've been in this field, the more important it is to reiterate that it's not about the technology - it's about the learning.

Today, I met with our Warrior Tech students (a group of high school students who serve as a tech liaison committee for the district). When I asked them to identify teachers who "rocked it with technology," and describe why, most did not give a specific piece of technology the teacher used. Rather, they described HOW the teacher utilized the technology and WHY the teacher used the technology. Rarely was the what the main point. So, I tread lightly with this question. What stands out and what makes an impact are the whys and hows. How can I use this technology to improve and enhance and Why is this technology appropriate. Most students mentioned they wanted classrooms to be less-device specific. They liked having the freedom to move between multiple devices and use technology to make them productive.

Funny thing is - when I think about my favorite tools, they are also the ones that make me the most productive. But, for some reason, with students, we always try to find things that are specific to education and not for use after school. Let's switch that.

So, in answer to today's challenge - I'd like to see educators using tools that we use outside of the field of education. As much as I love Edmodo, students will not use that after school. We don't teach students to drive on video games - we still take them out in the car and let them be challenged. Likewise, I'd like to see more teachers do this with technology. Educational apps are great, but they are not usable outside of education. My wish is to see a line of products that are for the classroom AND outside of the classroom.

What about you? What are your wishes for technology?

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