Wednesday, November 18, 2015

#YourEduStory: Giving thanks back to education

This week's topic: How do you give thanks to the students and adults you work with?

Technically, it's next week's topic, but since there is no topic this week and next week is meant to actually give thanks, I'm writing about it this week.

This topic was particularly challenging and, perhaps, that is not a good thing. I had to really think about how I give thanks to the students and adults I work with. Part of that goes to my work ethic.

It's no secret that I'm a hard worker and that I am very determined. It is through my work that I give thanks. However, in thinking about this post, I realize I should give more personalized thanks to individuals. I need to take time to take a deep breath, slow down, and focus on those around me who are also working hard. 

I think others who work to the point of exhaustion may feel this way. When working hard, I often don't take breaks to enjoy the work of others around me. If I'm told we need to get something done, I will work to get that goal done. If that means assisting others, I will. However, it also means that I don't take any breaks. It's during those breaks where you can appreciate what others do. Perhaps, my goal is to look more at the work my peers are doing. In writing this, I can't say I know too much what others are doing. I am very task-oriented. 

So, how does someone like me give thanks: through the work I do. I make sure that it is done in a timely manner. I make sure to go above and beyond to meet the needs of those around me. For my students, I research, research, and research innovative ways to teach. I spend countless hours finding ways to make the classroom more entertaining, more applicable. I give my time.

To fellow adults, I work to take the work-load off of others. When I say tasks that have no name on them, I complete them for others. It's this that is both a curse and a blessing. It's a blessing that I get it done for others. However, it's a curse that I no longer have time to observe the awesome things others around me do.

How do you give thanks in education? My goal is to slow down sometimes to take in what others are doing so I can give personalized thanks.

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