Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Brainstorming 2.0, App #14--lino and wridea

Lino: and Wridea:

(Both of these applications are similar in nature to Wallwisher-- in that they are online brainstorming spaces that can be shared with others or made private.)

Synopsis: Though these applications are displayed differently, their concepts are both the same--an online space for brainstorming.

  • Lino--You may try this application on a trial basis before using it. All accounts are free. To have a full account, you just have to sign up. Once you sign up, you are directed to an opening/main page where you have the option to search recent public canvasses (their name for the brainstorming spaces), create your own or to look at your groups, tasks, and your updated canvasses. With the groups feature, you have the option to set up groups to share your canvasses with. When creating a group, you can open it up to the public (so anyone can search for it, but you have to approve their membership) or through invitation only (sent through an email to all members). Each group can even have its own icon to make it easier to recognize. Once the group is created, you will see that you have a group page, group canvasses, and group tasks. All of these are separate from your individual ones you may create. Any canvass created in a group will be shared with members of a group. That said, any canvas you create as an individual can only be made private or public. So, if you want to create a canvass for a group project or a class, you must do so through the group page. When you are ready to create a canvass (directions will be for a group canvass but they can be replicated for individual canvasses under the Main Page--My Canvasses), go to your group page (you can see all of your existing canvasses here) and click on the Group Canvasses tab. Click on create new canvass. You can enter in a specific title for it, adjust your settings, and canvass appearance. When you are ready, click create canvass. Your canvass will open up. Use the toolbox in the right-hand corner to drag down a sticky note (where you can write your thoughts), insert an image, insert a file, or insert a video (URL). Within the sticky note, you can select a due date so it appears on your tasks list and calendar. In the bottom right corner, you can see your calendar. These instructions apply to group canvasses, but can be replicated for individual/public canvasses. That's all there is to it!

  • Wridea--This brainstorming site has less flare, but similar features. Once again, you must create an account first. Once you have created an account, you are given your own URL for your board. So, choose your Nick Name wisely (used for your URL) in case you want to share it with others. Once you create an account, you are directed to login. Then, you are in your own brainstorming board. Work from left to right in your tabs. If you click on the Ideaboard tab/link in the far left, you will find a drop down box. Click on Create New Page (as you create more, this is where you will go to open up other pages). You are asked to give the page a name so think of the names as different topics that you will have ideas for (like ideas for Prom). Your idea will then appear on your page. If you move your mouse over it, it will highlight it and more options will appear (details, move to, sharing, select, and delete). If you click on details, a editing box will appear where you can add more information on this idea (sub-topic). Click save when you are done adding your text about it. If you have created other pages/ideaboards, you can click on the 'move to' in order to move it to a different page. If you click on sharing, you will see that you can share it with all Wridea users, your friends only, or keep it private. If you select friends, you must first have invited friends into your friends circle. So, in the top menu, click on Friends. In the box that opens, you will have the option to add friends by email addresses and create a group. Hence, friends can be added to different groups. Lastly, if you click on the categories tab, you will see that you can add categories to your pages. So, these can be the overarching topics like Communication Arts or Vacations. Each page can be put into a category and each idea can be put into a page. And the details are attached to each idea. In the searching blank, you can search for words that you want to recall. If you click on the Tools tab in the upper write, you can use the idearain, which randomizes your ideas and puts them into placements it thinks make sense. And, that's all there is to it!


  • Lino--With the groups feature, students and teachers can set up groups when working in projects in order to share student brainstorming ideas. For instance, students can create group pages for each of their groups in a class project. Then, they can create as many canvasses (brainstorming pages) within the group. Each canvass can be about a different sub-topic. Likewise, a teacher can set up groups for each of her class periods. Within each group, he/she can create a canvass for each unit. Students can use the sticky notes, images, files, and videos to give their thoughts on each unit. With the files feature, they can even submit their work (at the end of a unit) so all work can be on one location. This is a great space for brainstorming and sharing ideas in a safe environment. As an individual, teachers and students can have their own canvasses that they can choose to share with the public or keep private. These canvasses can include their thoughts on any topic for ideas for an art project to their dreams and goals in life.
  • Wridea--Like Lino, with the friends/group feature, students can create groups for different projects and teachers can create groups for different class periods. What is different is that, instead of adding boards to a group, you make a board and just share it with a group in Wridea. The only major difference is the appearance, its Idearain tool, and its category feature. Its appearance is more plain so it is very useful in professional places and with adult learners. With the categories, users have one more overarching topic they can connect to. And, with the idearain tool, users can find other ways to connect their ideas.
 Let's get brainstorming!

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