Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Searching in 3D, App #13--SpaceTime

SpaceTime: http://www.spacetime.com/

(This is a Web Search engine that utilizes Google,YouTube, images, and Wikipedia. The difference is that it does it in a 3D fashion to help visual learners.)

Synopsis: This app does not reinvent the wheel; however, it does give it a facelift. Instead of using Google or Bing as the Web Search engine, users can use SpaceTime. For instance, I searched for "Google Privacy Settings" in light of the changes Google has made to their settings. Instead of showing the results as a list, it shows them as separate windows that move in a 3D fashion.

Using the scroll bar across the bottom, users can click to the next result. All results are numbered and give the entire window shot (as opposed to the typical abstract showing in Google and Bing). Similarly, users can click on the images, YouTube, Google, or Wikipedia tabs across the top (just like you do in Google) and SpaceTime will search for your keyword within those selections. Images and all other results are shown in windows rather than in lists. The Web address of the site/picture/video is shown in the bottom right. To select the result, simply click on the result. That's it! Again, it is a simple app, but does give a common tool a facelift.

Integration: Rather than using Google or Bing, SpaceTime is a great alternative for younger audiences and learners with special needs. With the full window display, viewers can better see the result. And, with the 3D movement, it is also more eye-appealing. SpaceTime should be shown as an alternative to the more common search engines. It searches similar sites, but gives the results in a new look. Check it out and share it with your students!

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