Monday, October 13, 2014

Day 20: My blogging challenge

Welcome to day 20 of my blogging challenge. In case you missed what it's all about, you can read more in Day 1.

Today's challenge: How do you curate student work or help them do it themselves?

This is where EdTech comes into play nicely. There are so many tools that serve this purpose. However, so many use this technology for the sake of creating a movie rather than for the purpose of curating. There is a difference.

Google Apps for Education is awesome at helping curate student work. If students create their work in Google Drive, Google Sites is a logical solution for curating and showcasing that work.

I also like sites like Canva and PicMonkey for creating infographics and curating data.

Blendspace is also a personal favorite for curating multimedia and showing off work. It has a great quiz and commenting feature that helps set it apart.

Audio-wise - I love Vocaroo for curating quick audio tracks as QR codes for others to access.

What about you - what are your favorite ways to curate student work?

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